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The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (“AIPP”) is a partnership between the federal government and the four easternmost provinces of Canada: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program: four easternmost provinces of Canada: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador

It was created to address the labour shortages faced by Atlantic Canada by providing a streamlined pathway to permanent residency for skilled foreign workers. The AIPP is different from other immigration programs in that it requires employer sponsorship.

Employers in the four participating provinces can hire foreign workers in three categories: high-skilled workers, intermediate-skilled workers, and international graduates. When an employer identifies a suitable candidate, they offer them a job and provide them with a settlement plan that includes support for housing, language training, and community orientation.

Once a candidate accepts a job offer and a settlement plan, they can apply for a work permit. The work permit is generally processed within two weeks, allowing the candidate to start working in Canada while their permanent residency application is being processed.

To be eligible for the AIPP, candidates must meet certain criteria, such as language proficiency and education requirements. International graduates who have completed a post-secondary program in one of the participating provinces may also be eligible to apply for the program. The AIPP has been successful in attracting skilled workers to Atlantic Canada.

Since its launch in 2017, the program has welcomed over 5,400 immigrants to the region. Participating provinces have the ability to nominate up to 2,500 candidates per year for permanent residency, with the federal government setting a target of 5,000 new immigrants per year through the AIPP.

The AIPP has been praised for its ability to address the unique labour market needs of Atlantic Canada while providing foreign workers with a clear pathway to permanent residency. Employers in the region have also benefitted from the program by being able to fill crucial positions with skilled workers from around the world.

Overall, the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program has been a success for both employers and foreign workers. It offers a clear pathway to permanent residency and addresses the labour shortages in Atlantic Canada, making it an attractive option for those looking to immigrate to Canada.

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