Our firm represents clients from all over the world at their refugee hearings. We do approximately 100 hearings monthly and have extensive experience preparing clients well, providing necessary country condition information, and making arguments that can help you succeed.
Our success rate is excellent and we take on straightforward as well as complex cases. We believe that you cannot get better representation for your refugee hearing. We also publish materials on YouTube about how to prepare for your hearing if you want extra preparation or review.
To help you be as comfortable as possible at your virtual hearing, we have designed a special space within our offices that offers 8 hearing room spaces for remote hearings. Our staff will assist you to get set up in the room and on the computer. You will not need to worry about your own computer or your own internet connection. We take all of the worry out of it for you.
Several of our lawyers have experience successfully appealing failed refugee claims at the Refugee Appeal Division (RAD). We go the extra mile and help you understand everything so that you can obtain the new evidence that may be available to help you receive a positive decision on appeal.
An appeal can be a complicated process and you should make sure that you have a lawyer that has a lot of expertise in this area. Jacqueline Lewis in our office has done hundreds of them and will collaborate with you to help you achieve the best chance of success. Many of our other lawyers are dedicated to working on appeals as well.
Sometimes the PRRA is your last opportunity to stay in Canada. You want a lawyer that is an expert in this area to present the best possible application on your behalf. The PRRA application deals with any new risks that you face in returning to your home country.
It is not enough to just re-state the risk you put forward in your refugee claim. Our lawyers will help you understand the process and what evidence is needed for your application to be successful. We submit lengthy arguments for you and work with you to achieve the best possible results.
Not everyone knows that lots of applications that receive a negative decision (ie: H&Cs, PRRAs, Pathways) are open to reconsideration in certain circumstances. Reopening an application is sometimes better than appealing it – and a lot less expensive. We are always happy to explore this option for you.
The group of 5 application is when five individuals decide to sponsor a refugee from abroad. It is a very complex application with a lot of paperwork which needs to be completed correctly and precisely. We can guide you through the process and make sure the application is done correctly from start to finish.
Humanitarian and Compassionate applications (H&C) are often a person’s best option for staying in Canada. The Application deals with your establishment in Canada, any risks that you face in your country, and the best interests of any child impacted by the application – whether they are in Canada or not at the time. The quality of these applications varies greatly depending on who is doing them.
When you work with Lewis & Associates, we work hard to assist you to know what documents you need to succeed. We put our heart and soul into creating the best submissions for you. Our submissions are sometimes between 40 – 100 pages.
This is a lot different from some submissions we have seen from other legal practitioners that are 5 pages. You need to put your best effort into this application because it may be your best and last chance to get permanent residency. We will work with you to ensure your application is the best possible.